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California's Gold with Huell Howser
FDR's Boat
Season 15
Episode 1501
Huell takes an inspirational voyage upon Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Presidential Yacht, the U.S.S. Potomac. Now stationed at Jack London Square in Oakland, the ship is operated by a staff of volunteers and is now open for public tours.
This episode is available to stream until 8/15/24.
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Huell’s finds adventure on the road and tours a 49er RV Park, an Air Museum, and more.

Huell travels back to a bygone era when he tours the Aztec Hotel and the Wigwam Motel.

A century ago, San Juan Bautista was the hub of Northern California.

Huell’s off to Amador county and the town of Volcano.

Huell strolls the grounds of the former home of Erle Stanley Gardner.