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Huell Celebrates the Life of 'Buffalo Soldier' Charles Young at Sequoia National Park
Season 6
Episode 6002
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California's Gold with Huell Howser
Crookedest Street
Huell goes in search of the crookedest street in the world. A small section of Vermont Street in the Potrero Hill section of San Francisco is just miles away from the more famous Lombard Street. Which street is crookeder? Huell grabs a gang of experts and finally solves this mystery.
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Huell travels back to a bygone era when he tours the Aztec Hotel and the Wigwam Motel.

Huell visits Fort MacArthur Museum in San Pedro to relive the Great Los Angeles Air Raid.

Huell joins the centennial celebration of Colonel Charles Young’s tenure.

Join Huell and trace the lives of two men who created two of our state's amazing buried treasures.

Huell travels to Santa Barbara Island to learn its history from the resident park ranger .

Huell spends the day exploring San Francisco's Coit Tower, including the beautiful murals that adorn the lobby with the descendants of one of the original artists.