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Huell Has Lunch With Hollywood Legends Ann Rutherford and Anne Jeffreys
Lummis House
In this never-before-seen "lost" episode, Huell visits the home of Los Angeles icon Charles Fletcher Lummis in Highland Park. Lummis, who died in 1928, was the founder of the Southwest Museum of the American Indian, an editor of the Los Angeles Times, and a collector and preservationist of Southwestern culture. The Lummis House, today a historic museum, was built by Lummis in the late nineteenth century. Huell learns about the life and legacy of Lummis, tours his collection of artifacts, listens to Lummis’s collection of rare wax cylinder recordings of Spanish songs from early California (including songs by early L.A. singer Manuela García), and observes a recreation of the wax cylinder recording process with modern musicians.
Also, watch the Artbound episode, "Charles Lummis: Reimagining the American West".