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California's Gold with Huell Howser

Barack Obama's California College Days

Season 10 Episode 1016

Join Huell as he gets the presidential tour of Occidental College in Eagle Rock, where Barack Obama spent his freshman and sophomore years. He'll visit his dorm room, talk to some of his old professors, and learn how his two years there helped to shape him. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Obama described Occidental as "a wonderful, small liberal arts college."

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Sea Caves
Huell travels out to Santa Cruz Island to explore its famous sea caves by kayak.
Costa Mesa
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Aztec Wigwam
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Wild Horse Sanctuary
Huell’s off to Shingletown for a visit to a remarkable Wild Horse Sanctuary.
Sequoia Black History
Huell joins the centennial celebration of Colonel Charles Young’s tenure.
Santa Barbara Island
Huell travels to Santa Barbara Island to learn its history from the resident park ranger .
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