Carpinteria: Matt Moore's Rincon Design
What is it like to surf? "It's like jumping off the top of a mountain on a pair of skis," gushes Matt Moore. But with surfing, the mountain is moving.
Moore, owner of Rincon Designs Surf Shop in Carpinteria, CA, has chased waves all over the coast, but decided to set up his shop in his hometown, near one of the most famous surf spots in the state: Rincon. With its world-class surfing, Rincon attracts people from around the globe. Local and international surfers will visit Moore's shop for custom products, inspired by his fine craftsmanship and years of experience.
Yet even with his decades of expertise, Moore knows there's still more to discover about the sport he loves so much. "Don't think you'll ever know it all," he explains, "it's fun to just keep learning."