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The Black Church

All episodes with PBS Passport

The Black Church

All episodes with PBS Passport

An intimate four-hour series from Henry Louis Gates, Jr., The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song will explore the 400-year-old story of the black church in America, the changing nature of worship spaces, and the men and women who shepherded them from the pulpit, the choir loft, and church pews.

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Cornerstones | The Servant
The Servant taught others how to serve more deeply, not as a slave, but as a free man.
Cornerstones | The Hymnist
The Hymnist sang praises to celebrate the soul's salvation and save the body from slavery.
Cornerstones | The Reader
The Reader risked his life to bring to the Church what should have never been prohibited.
An intimate four-hour series from Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Extended Trailer
Explore the 400-year-old story of the black church in America with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Inside Look
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. discusses the origins of Black church.
The History Of Black Religion in America
In Georgia, you can find some of the deepest traces of Christianity, as well as Islam.
The Church as a Place of Refuge
As Black Churches became prominent, white supremacists targeted these sacred places.
Jennifer Hudson On the Power of Church
Jennifer Hudson’s first memory of church was on Easter Sunday.
John Legend Sings "So Good to Me"
John Legend showcases his musical talent while singing “So Good To Me.”
The Rebuilding of the Emanuel A.M.E Church
Reverend Cain started rebuilding Charleston’s staple Black church after it was destroyed.
Rutha Mae Harris’ Music Impact on the Civil Right Movement
Rutha Mae Harris’ music lifted the spirits of those fighting for racial equality.
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