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Biz Kid$
How Do You Get Money?
Season 1
Episode 103
Follow along with a Biz Kid on a job hunt—reviewing help wanted ads, filling out the application, and going through the interview. Hear from business celebrities, including Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, as they talk about their very first jobs. Meet a young person whose love of animals turned into a profitable dog-walking business. The Biz Kids also look at how kids get and use allowances.
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Learn about how toeffectively set financial goals, and stick to them

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Hear stories of how kids identified and addressed needs in their communities.

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This episode explores ways make money if you're too young to get a job.

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Biz Kid$ demystifies the process of managing a credit card correctly.

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This episode considers college from a return-on-investment perspective.

Learn about the advantages of compound interest and how to maximize your returns.

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Learn how families work, grow, and fight their way to profits.

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Explore the profitable side of going green, and how to distinguish between what’s hype.

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Examine investment alternatives and how to evaluate them based on risk and rate of return.

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This episode shows how to efficiently organize volunteers while keeping expenses low.

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Learn tips and tricks for writing a great resume and nailing the interview.

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Learn the different products and services that banks offer and which works best for you.