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Big Cities: Seven
Urban planners and average citizens in Thailand and Bogota are seeking solutions to ease congestion in their crowded cities.
Big Cities: Q’eswachaka
Looking back to traditional practices can help us find modern solutions to various environmental and social issues of city life.
Big Cities: Colin Boyd Shafer
Big cities attract dreamers from all over the world. This episode features the people building communities of inclusion for immigrants.
Still from QLM's "The Vertical Village"
Many people are ditching the confines of traditional apartment life and opting for communal living instead.
Mariachis in Boyle Heights
The heart of many large cities lies in their historic neighborhoods but across the world, the cultural vitality of these neighborhoods is threatened by the forces of gentrification and aging infrastructure. Hear from the people of Boyle Heights in Los Angeles and the Old Quarter in Hanoi, Vietnam as they work to improve and preserve their communities.
Favela Organica
Maintaining a sustainable way of life through organic farming is possible — even in big cities.
Q’eswachaka Bridge in Peru
Community members have been preserving the cultural heritage of the Q’eswachaka bridge, the last living legacy of Inca architecture, by using ancestral techniques, creativity and solidarity.
Big Cities: Chi Fu Valley in Hong Kong
A government plan to rebuild a large public housing estate has raised the flags because the redevelopment site would include an old dairy farm built among a verdant valley in 1886.
Big Cities: La Memoria Del Sonido
"La Memoria Del Sonido" builds an arc of experiences and connections between noise and the sounds in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Caring for the Elderly
Migiwa Sugimoto is a visiting nurse who works as an assistant manager at “Kurashi no hokenshitsu” (counseling room), where many Tokyo senior citizens visit to consult about their health and other worries. 
Big Cities: Rice & Roses
Rice and Roses in Malaysia is dedicated to feeding the rising number of homeless individuals who are being displaced by the rapid development in the city of George Town.
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