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Breaking Through
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At the turn of the new millennium, the U.S becomes more diverse, yet more divided.
Generation Rising
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During a time of war, a young generation fights for equality and claim a new identity.
Good Americans
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Asian Americans fight for equality and expand the definition of Asian American.
A Question of Loyalty
An American-born generation straddles their country of birth and their parents’ homelands.
Breaking Ground
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In an era of exclusion and U.S. empire, new immigrants arrive and adapt to life in America
Asian Americans Preview
The history of identity, contributions, and challenges experienced by Asian Americans.
Asians Were America’s First “Undocumented Immigrants”
The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act made Asians the nation’s first “undocumented immigrants.”
A Louisiana Family Discovers Their South Asian Roots
In segregated America, Indian immigrants found home and family in communities of color.
The Astonishing Story of the Men Who Built the Railroad
Chinese immigrants who built the railroad were erased from history, but not forgotten.
Satsuki Ina Was Born American but Looked Like the Enemy
For Satsuki Ina, the question of loyalty began when she was born behind barbed wire.
For Susan Ahn, WWII Was a Fight for America and Korea
For Korean Americans like Susan Ahn, WWII was a fight to defend both the U.S. and Korea.
Tereza Lee Was the Inspiration for the Dream Act
Tereza Lee went from undocumented and afraid to DREAM Act immigrant activist.
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