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Studio A | Funders

Support Provided By

Studio A was funded in part by the generous support of:

Los Angeles Arts Commission

Los Angeles County Arts Commission provides leadership in cultural services of all disciplines for the largest county in the United States, encompassing 88 municipalities. In addition to programming the John Anson Ford Theatres, the Arts Commission provides leadership and staffing to support the regional blueprint for arts education, Arts for All; administers a grants program that funds more than 300 nonprofit arts organizations annually; oversees the County's Civic Art Program for capital projects; funds the largest arts internship program in the country in conjunction with the Getty Foundation; and supports the Los Angeles County Cultural Calendar on The Commission also produces free community programs, including the L.A. County Holiday Celebration and a year-round music program that funds 70 free concerts each year in public sites.


Department of Cultural Affairs logo

Department of Cultural Affairs generates and supports high quality arts and cultural experiences for Los Angeles' 4 million residents and 25 million annual visitors. DCA advances the social and economic impact of the arts and assures access to arts and cultural experiences through grant making, marketing, public art, community arts programming, arts education, and partnerships with artists and arts and cultural organizations in neighborhoods throughout the City of Los Angeles.



Boeing supports projects and programs that align with one or more of five focus areas and corresponding objectives. The focus areas for corporate giving are: education (consisting of early learning and primary and secondary education); arts and culture; health and human services; civic; and environment.



The National Endowment for the Arts supports artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation for the benefit of individuals and communities. The NEA extends its work through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector.

And those foundations that wish to remain anonymous.

Support Provided By