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Otters: Cute, Playful, Geniuses?

Otters: Cute, Playful, Geniuses?

Season 1 Episode 6
There Are No Actual ‘Lion Kings’

There Are No Actual ‘Lion Kings’

Season 1 Episode 7
Animal IQ

Dolphins Can Use Technology!?

Season 1 Episode 8
Episode 5: The Calling

The Calling

Season 4 Episode 5
When Whales Could Walk

When Whales Could Walk

Season 51 Episode 1
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Animal IQ

This Rat Can Drive a Car?

Season 1 Episode 5

Rats are fascinating study subjects because of their unique status in the scientific community and laboratory environment! They aren’t just good at solving mazes, they can comprehend complex concepts like sharing and treat others as you would like to be treated. They understand when they’re being tested, and when they believe they are going to fail, some rats won’t even make an attempt.

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Animal IQ
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