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Tess Wilson


Tess Wilson is a floral designer, embroiderer, and regular contributor to Apartment Therapy, and has been known to make cakes on occasion. She lives in a little house with a big garden.

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To help prevent my fellow gardeners from going stir-crazy, I've compiled a list of ways to keep your garden healthy and happy.
Lemonade, jelly, wreaths, and more from California's most versatile native shrub.
San Francisco's Makeshift Society may signal the rise of co-working spaces.
Tokyo-based photographer Miki Usui shares her insights on the most delicious and beautifully-designed spots in San Francisco.
Make dahlias the centerpiece of any and all bouquets this summer.
The most fun you'll ever have with a root vegetable.
Gorgeous ingredients native to North America come together in party-perfect dishes.
Backyard Bartender: Grow the ingredients you'll need for sipping all summer ... and beyond.
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