Meher McArthur

Meher McArthur is an independent Asian art historian and is Academic Curator at Scripps College, Claremont. Previously she was Curator of East Asian Art at Pacific Asia Museum (now USC PAM) and now curates exhibitions for Southern California galleries, En Gallery at the Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden in Pasadena, and for the traveling exhibition company International Arts & Artists (IA&A), including Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami (2015-2019) and her upcoming exhibition, Washi Transformed: New Expressions in Japanese Paper (from 2021). She is developing YOKAI: Spirits, Specters and the Supernatural in Japanese Woodblock Prints for Scripps College (2022).
Meher writes regularly for and contributes to KCET Artbound, Artillery and Orientations magazines. Her major publications include Gods and Goblins: Folk Paintings from Otsu (PAM, 1999), Reading Buddhist Art (Thames & Hudson, 2002) and The Arts of Asia (Thames & Hudson, 2005), Confucius (Pegasus Books, 2011), Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami (IA&A, 2012), New Expressions in Origami Art (Tuttle, 2017), and An ABC of What Art Can Be (The Getty Museum, 2010).