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Maxwell Strachan

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Cindy McCain supports gay marriage and the LAPD makes good with bikers? As you can see, in California, nothing is set in stone.
Meet Jeremy of Think Tank L.A., who focuses on the ideas of Los Angeles think tanks.
Meet Erin Aubry Kaplan, who writes on what it takes to survive "crazy-making" Los Angeles as a person of color.
Every week we feature one of the region's many fascinating and first-rate blogs. Up today is D.J. Waldie of Where We Are, who focuses on space and place in Los Angeles.
Every week we feature one of the region's many fascinating and first-rate blogs. Up today is Craig Matsuda of SoCal Minds, who focuses on Southern California's most "intriguing research, ideas, activity, [and] people."
Every week on 'Better Know a Socal Blogger' we'll be featuring one of the city's many fascinating and first-rate blogs. This week: Andrew's all things Lakers blog.
Every week on 'Better Know a Socal Blogger' we'll be featuring one of the city's many fascinating and first-rate blogs. This week: one of the city's best biking blogs.
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