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Kate Cimini, CalMatters

Side photo of an Indigenous man who is smiling inside an office. He is wearing his long hair in a ponytail and wears a striped button down shirt.
California Native American leaders fear the deaths that have shadowed their communities this past year have been undercounted.
A fieldworker wears a hat with the golden eagle, the official bird of Mexico, as he uses it to shield his face from the sun while he picks strawberries on Saturday, April 25, 2020.
Un nuevo estudio muestra que los trabajadores agrícolas dicen que los mismos empleadores y agencias que redactaron las regulaciones de emergencia con la intención de mantenerlos seguros los dejaron desprotegidos del COVID-19.
A fieldworker wears a hat with the golden eagle, the official bird of Mexico, as he uses it to shield his face from the sun while he picks strawberries on Saturday, April 25, 2020.
A new study shows farmworkers say they have been left unprotected from COVID-19 by the very employers and agencies who wrote emergency regulations intended to keep them safe.
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