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Greg Hise

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Greg Hise is Emeritus Professor of History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In six books and more than twenty-five essays, he has examined the economies, ecologies, and social relations that have shaped American cities, projects often undertaken in collaboration with William Deverell, director of the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West (ICW). Currently Hise is a lead contributor to ICW's Chinatown History Project. He is also currently completing a study of the long struggle to open housing to all Americans, which brings California to the forefront of Civil Rights narratives that are fundamentally national but that have been southern and northern in their telling.

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View of the Iglesia Bautista church, the Guardian Angel Center, and houses on Bauchet Street near Old Chinatown, Los Angeles.
Rare photographs surface of L.A.'s Chinatown in the early 1930s. These photographs are being used to bring the original Chinatown — on what is now Union Station — to AR life.
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