City News Service

City News Service is an independent wire service that serves Los Angeles area news outlets. Posts identifying them in a byline means KCET-TV has used their story, either in full or close to full.

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The Los Angeles City Council approved a motion calling on various municipal departments to take the necessary steps for the city to officially become a sanctuary city for immigrants. It would also prohibit city cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (a.k.a. ICE) in "execution of their duties."

The life of P-22, the beloved Griffith Park mountain lion that died in December 2022, was celebrated at a free event at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles on February 4, 2023. The famous puma's Celebration of Life, which was also livestreamed, was presented and sponsored by the National Wildlife Foundation and hosted by advocate Beth Pratt — along with multiple speeches, eulogies and performances. Watch the recording of the memorial service here.