Aáron Heard
Aáron Heard, by way of the L.A. County Arts Commission, is Arts for L.A.'s Communication & Research Intern for the summer 2013. She is currently studying for her B.A. in Creative Writing at the University of Southern California. Aáron is a native of Los Angeles, living throughout the county in various cities for the past twenty years, and holds a passion for her community, especially the youth. For the past three years she has worked for USC's ReadersPlus, as both tutor and program coordinator at Lenicia B. Weemes Elementary School. This position has inspired and motivated her to take interest in community outreach and arts education. Aáron recently spent the Spring 2013 semester studying abroad in London, England, immersing herself in a new culture, but now she's back home ready to learn about advocacy, community organizing, and fundraising in support of the arts. During this 10-week intensive internship, Aáron will be assisting in the creation of a database of LA County cultural assets and researching the latest studies on arts education and arts participation.