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L.A. River CleanUp. | Courtesy of Friends of the Los Angeles River
Thanks to the work of many agencies, from California State Parks to the Army Corps of Engineers, as well as from plenty of lesser-known organizations and individuals, progress is being made in the revitalization at the Los Angeles River.
"Godfather of the L.A. River" just celebrated his seventh decade in this world this month, more than three decades after he founded Friends of the L.A. River.
Writer, activist, and former California State Senator Tom Hayden reflects on what the recent developments in L.A. River revitalization could mean for the city.
Mayor Eric Garcetti on the Future of the LA River
Mayor Eric Garcetti on the Future of the LA River
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In the quarter century since FoLAR first began their yearly river clean-ups, more and more people have gotten on board.
Tony Saenz Atwater 2-thumb-630x446-71234
Photographer Ricardo Palavecino's portraits provide an insight into the daily lives of individuals and communities based around the L.A. River in Northeast L.A.
The Sotomayor Learning Academies, home of the L.A. River School, welcomes the neighborhood
The goal is to provide a platform for students to become engaged citizens and leaders in their communities as the process of re-imagining the L.A. River and its surroundings continues and gains momentum.
We talked to the new councilmember about his plans for the Los Angeles River.
Kelci Mossat prepares a horse to ride.
Located in the equestrian community of Atwater Village right along the L.A. River, the nonprofit gives at-risk girls a unique opportunity to learn new leadership skills.
Andrea Martinez
"Just as we were riding over here me and my friend were saying, "we're watching the transformation of the L.A. River, we're going to tell our kids: I was there." 
The aqua themed structure has temporarily lived in each of the neighborhoods that comprise the NELA RC study area.
NELA Storyshare - Omar Brownson
"Anything in the future's gotta always reflect the eclectic nature of this neighborhood, that has everything from architect and artists to auto body mechanic shops... I mean it's so L.A."
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