Portraits of Atwater Village: Bebo Garcia
Mi nombre es Bebo Garcia. Llevo 25 años viviendo acá. Soy de Tijuana, México. Llego derecho aquí y aquí me quedé, y aquí sigo, hasta que me corran! No he ido a la escuela. Nunca. Sólo trabajar. Un cambio radical que he visto? Menos violencia. Puedes caminar más tranquilo a como estaba en aquellos tiempos noventas, dos mil. Muy diferente. Pienso que la gente ha madurado y también la presión de la policía, o no sé. O uno el cambio que hace, uno mismo, la persona. Tal vez la ayuda del gobierno. O ahorita que estamos en frente del parque, a la mejor eso ha ayudado que el parque se preocupa más de la comunidad. Claro, tal vez eso sea un motivo.
My name is Bebo Garcia. I've been living here for 25 years. I'm from Tijuana, Mexico. I came straight here and I've stayed here and I'll remain here until they kick me out! I've never been to school, I've worked. A radical change I've seen? Less violence. You can walk the streets with ease compared to how it was in the 90's, 2000. It's very different. I think people have matured or perhaps it's pressure from police, I don't know. Or maybe its the change that one makes as an individual. Perhaps it's the help from the government. Or take the fact that we're here at the park, maybe that's increased the attention the park gives to the community. Perhaps that's a motive.
The above interview is transcribed and edited from the following interview: