Great News About KCET ReWild's Kickstarter!

We have some great news to share with you about KCET's crowdfunding campaign for ReWild, and there's still time for you to help us make the news even better.
On October 13 we launched our Kickstarter campaign to fund the first edition of ReWild's Citizen's Guide to California Wildlife. We set out to raise $7,500 in pledges in one month, the net proceeds of which would go to develop a usable, accessible layperson's guide to California wildlife covering the species at risk, the laws that protect them, and the ways you can help make sure wildlife continues to thrive in the Golden State.
We're not done with the campaign yet: as of Thursday, we still have 6 days to go. But we're very pleased to share with you the news that we've exceeded our goal: at the end of the day October 28, our total stood at $7,675, 101 percent of the goal we'd set, and it's been climbing steadily since then.
This wonderful response tells us that you really support our intent to report on the issues facing California's wildlife, and we'd like to thank those of you who've pledged. And if you haven't yet, we have good news: there's still time!
In case you need a refresher about what ReWild's Citizen's Guide to California Wildlife will be all about, here's the Kickstarter video we put together:
Meeting our $7,500 Kickstarter goal assures that we can get the Guide well under way, and that's exciting. But every donation we get over and above that goal means we can make the Guide better in this first round of funding. The more funds we raise in this campaign, the more raw data we can collect, interpret, and bring to you in an easy-to-understand format.
And we still have plenty of swag left including KCETLink memberships, copies of my book "Walking With Zeke" (of which a sample of the wildlife-related content can be found here), and calendars and prints of some of California''s most interesting wildlife species.
We'd love to push this campaign way over the top in its last remaining week. If you haven't pledged, please consider doing so: every pledge helps.
If you have pledged we thank you, and we hope you'll consider sharing our campaign in your social media circles. After all, you can't crowdfund without the help of the crowd!
Thanks, and we hope to have even more exciting news at the close of the campaign.