More than 792,000 L.A. County Ballots Left to be Counted

L.A. County officials have more uncounted ballots than they did four years ago. There are an estimated 792,658 ballots remaining to be processed, L.A. County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan announced Wednesday. Compare that to the estimated 566,000 remaining ballots after the November 2008 presidential election.
This year's remaining lot is made up mostly of vote-by-mail ballots dropped off at polls or received by mail on Election Day. The remaining were provisional. Early voting, which includes voting by mail, has been gaining popularity in California with participation hitting an all-time high at 65% during this year's June primary.
Still, turnout throughout the state was estimated to be lower than when President Barack Obama was first elected. By close of polls Tuesday night, 66% of registered voters came out, Logan estimated. A similar preliminary estimate in 2008 had turnout at 82%.
Nearly 2.4 million ballots were counted in L.A. County on Election Night. Officials have through early December to finalize processing votes.