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Sikhs Unite with Muslims Against White Supremacy

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This story is part of the May 19th Project, which promotes solidarity within Asian and Pacific Island communities and with all communities.

After the events 9/11, Sikh and Muslim Americans suddenly faced a huge upsurge in hate incidents. In Arizona, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh man, was shot and killed at his gas station by a white assailant who reportedly declaredhe wanted to "go out and shoot some towel-heads." New York student, Harwinder Singh, reflects on how acts of solidarity have changed his life.

After September 11, 2001, Sikh Americans join Muslim and Arab Americans to call for racial justice.
Sikhs Together Against Hatred

The May 19th Project is co-founded by Renee Tajima Peña and Jeff Chang. Click this link to view a complete list of credits for the project.

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