Community Profile: North Shore

The Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) platform is a project of the USC Price Center for Social Innovation. Lift To Rise is partnering with The Price Center in the development of the Neighborhood Data for Social Change (NDSC) platform for the Coachella Valley. Lift to Rise is a community-based partnership in the Coachella Valley with the primary goal of advancing a future where all Coachella Valley families are healthy, stable, and thriving. NDSC will publish an ongoing series of data stories that incorporate maps, data visualizations, photos, and rich narrative to highlight trends, opportunities, and challenges facing communities in the region.
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Community profiles provide insight and information to the nine cities and unincorporated places in the Coachella Valley. The profiles provide precise, relevant data at the community level in combination with interactive maps and visualizations to help community members learn about the most important issues facing their communities and to help policy makers make informed decisions for their constituents. Community profiles are updated annually with the latest data, with new profiles released on a regular basis.
North Shore is a census-designated place in southeastern Riverside County, named because of its location along the northeast shore of the Salton Sea. In the 1950's, the Salton Sea was a burgeoning place for sports fishing and boating, and had many private yacht clubs and marinas. Over 2,800 residents are currently living in the community and the median income is $24,760, which is lower than the Coachella Valley average ($53,539).
92% of North Shore's residents identify as Latino, and 47% of the population are immigrants. Limited-English speaking households make up 63% of the total population. The community has a higher unemployment rate (22%) when compared to other Coachella Valley communities.
Explore the visualizations below to learn more about demography, education, housing, and social connectedness in North Shore and how the community compares to the state, county and other places in the Coachella Valley.
North Shore is located about 10 miles southeast of Mecca along the edge of the Salton Sea with a total population of 2,892 people.
The average household size in North Shore is 3.16 people, higher than average household size in the Coachella Valley (2.54). 30% of the population made up of non-family households (individuals living alone or with non-relatives) – lower than the Coachella Valley average.
Age Distribution
North Shore has a median age of 35 years old, comparatively younger than the state median age (36) and the national median age (38). 32% of North Shore's population is younger than 24 years old, slighlty higher than the Coachella Valley average, where 28% of the total population is below the age of 24.
Race & Ethnicity
North Shore has a large Latino population (92%), with the White population making up the remaining 7%. Just under a third of residents who identify as Latino are living below the poverty line (approximately 800 people), meaning they have a household income that is below the federal poverty level.
More Community Profiles
46% of North shore’s population are immigrants, which is higher than the average for the Coachella Valley (25%) and the state of California (27%).
12% of North Shore's immigrants are citizens, a relatively low rate compared to many other communities in the Coachella Valley.
Select a community to the right of the chart to see the size of its immigrant population compare to North Shore.
Unemployment Rate
North Shore has a high unemployment rate (22%) as compared to the average for the Coachella Valley (9%), California (6.7%) and the U.S. (5.9%). It is important to note that the unemployment rate likely varies by season.
Select a community to the right of the chart to see how its unemployment rates compare to North Shore.
High School Graduation
57% of North Shore's residents do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent, considerably higher than the average across the Coachella Valley (19%), California (17%) and the nation (12%).
Select a community to the right of the chart to see how its high school dropout rates compare to North Shore.
Young Adults Enrolled in School
50% of North Shore’s young adults are enrolled in school, which is higher than the average in the Coachella Valley (33%).
Select a community to the right of the chart to compare with North Shore.
College Graduation Rates
Less than 7% of North Shore’s population has a bachelor's degree or higher level of education, which is lower than the Coachella Valley (24%) and California (33%) averages.
Select a community to the right of the chart to compare with North Shore.
Housing/Real State
Housing Units
There are approximately 915 housing units in North Shore, making up less than 1% of the total housing units in the Coachella Valley (244,761 Units). Approximately 39% of housing units in North Shore are mobile homes.
Median Rent Price
Median gross rent in North Shore is $939 as of 2018 estimates, approximately $200 below average for the Coachella Valley ($1,131).
Select a community to the right of the graph to see how the price of median rent is arranged compare to North Shore.
Overcrowded Households
8% of households in North Shore have more than one person per one room in their housing unit, just above the Coachella Valley's overcrowding rate of 6%.
Rent Burden
37% of renters in North Shore were considered rent burdened as of 2018 5-year estimates, meaning that they paid more than 30% of their incomes on rent and utilities. This is below the average rates in the Coachella Valley (55%), California (53%) and the U.S. (47%).
Select a community to the right of the graph to see how rent burden rates compare to North Shore.
Housing Stability
99.6% of households in North Shore are living in the same housing unit as they were one year ago, which is higher than the Coachella Valley's housing stability rate of 88%.
Select a community to the right of the graph to see how the housing stability has changed compare to North Shore.
79% of households in North Shore are homeowners. While this is 13 percentage points above the Coachella Valley average, over a third (35%) of homeowners in North Shore are living in mobile homes or RVs.
Social Connectedness
Linguistic Isolation
63% of the households in North Shore are limited-English speaking households, meaning that no one over the age of 14 reports speaking English "very well". This is approximately four times higher than the average across other Coachella Valley cities and places where 15% of households are limited-English speaking.
Select a community to the right of the graph to see how the size of non-English speaking rates compare to North Shore.
Uninsured Population
23% of the population in North Shore does not have health insurance. This is higher than the uninsured rate for California (8%) and the Coachella Valley (12%).
Sources Notes: All data in this community profile come from the 2018 5-year estimates of the American Community Survey.