Which Country Does the Most Home Cooking?
Hint: It's not the United States, but we aren't at the bottom of the list either.
A recent survey by market research institute GfK looked at the cooking habits of respondents in 22 countries. Over 27,000 people were interviewed on how many hours per week they spent cooking, as well as their passion and knowledge about food and cooking.
India ranked highest on the list for home cooking, with an average of 13.2 hours spent in the kitchen every week. The lowest was South Korea, with an average of 3.7 hours each week. The U.S. fell somewhere in the middle with 5.9 hours.
In terms of experience, Americans ranked among the top countries with 35% of respondents saying they possess great knowledge about food and cooking (versus the global average of 29%). We also scored well on our passion for food and cooking, with 37% of Americans calling themselves truly passionate (versus the global average of 32%). (Note that the study does take into account the age and gender of the respondents when analyzing the results.)
Click here for a larger view of the infographic.
Here's the full list of countries and the time they spend cooking each week. How do your own cooking-at-home habits compare?
India: 13.2 hours
Ukraine: 13.1 hours
South Africa: 9.5 hours
Indonesia: 8.3 hours
Italy: 7.1 hours
Spain: 6.8 hours
Russia: 6.5 hours
Canada: 6.4 hours
Australia: 6.1 hours
Poland: 6.1 hours
Argentina: 6 hours
Belgium: 5.9 hours
UK: 5.9 hours
USA: 5.9 hours
China: 5.8 hours
Mexico: 5.8 hours
Sweden: 5.8 hours
France: 5.5 hours
Germany: 5.4 hours
Brazil: 5.2 hours
Turkey: 4.9 hours
South Korea: 3.7 hours
Global Average: 6.5 hours