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That Far Corner: Frank Lloyd Wright In Los Angeles

This episode explores the houses legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright built in L.A.

During his time spent in Southern California in the late 1910s and early 1920s, Frank Lloyd Wright accelerated the search for L.A.'s authentic architecture that was suitable to the city's culture and landscape. Writer/Director Chris Hawthorne, architecture critic for the Los Angeles Times, explores the houses the legendary architect built in Los Angeles.

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Few architects have left such a lasting impression and legacy as Frank Lloyd Wright. His works dot across the United States. For the intrepid, here's a map of his works in California, including a few hidden gems.
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After extensive renovations, architect Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House has recently reopened to the public.
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Frank Lloyd Wright's interest in the Maya style was not an isolated case. The legendary architect's textile block houses cannot be understood independently of this wider phenomenon of cross-cultural appropriations. 
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The experimentation that defined Frank Lloyd Wright's career has left a legacy of preservation challenges in Los Angeles. It's up to true believers in the power of preservation to make sure these historic buildings survive.
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Full Episode
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Frank Lloyd Wright’s Early Life and Career (Clip)
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Wright’s Architectural Vision for Los Angeles (Clip)
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Concrete Mansions, Hollywood Films, and Conservation (Clip)
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