Join Our Virtual Story Time of 'The Animals Would Not Sleep!'

You’re invited to a Virtual Story Time of "The Animals Would Not Sleep!"
Thursday, March 21, 2024
5 - 6pm PST
on Zoom
For families of kids 2 to 8!
Practice early math skills, like sorting, with this fun, interactive virtual readaloud and workshop!
With author of the book Sara Levine!

Sara Levine is an award-winning author, educator, and veterinarian. She is also a personal friend of Birthday Bear who once belonged to her daughter, along with other members of the menagerie featured in THE ANIMALS WOULD NOT SLEEP, illustrated by Marta Álvarez Miguéns. It gives her such joy to know that this Mathical Book Prize winner is inspiring creative math- and science-sorting games for young children and their grownups. Sara’s eleventh book, A TERRIBLE PLACE FOR A NEST with illustrator Erika Meza, is coming this spring. For more information please visit: