Family Math Activity: Sorting Tupperware

Practice sorting at home together, starting in the kitchen with this game of sorting Tupperware! This game was inspired by a math activity on the website

Do you have a drawer or cabinet filled with containers and lids that need sorting? For this activity, take out five or more food storage containers and their lids. For an extra challenge and more sorting fun, try sorting all the containers. The more shapes and sizes of containers, the better!
Comparing Shapes and Sizes

Start by separating lids from containers (if they are not already separated) and mixing the lids. Let your child explore the containers and lids. Talk together about and compare the shapes and sizes of the lids and containers. Ask your child "What shapes do you see?"
Can your child match the lids back with their original containers based on their sizes and shapes? You can say something like, "This big, round container looks like a circle. Here is a lid that is also large and round. I wonder if they go together."
Sorting Containers
Start sorting the containers based on the attribute of shape. Ask your child to make groups or sets of containers, each with a unique shape (a circle, a rectangle that is not a square, a square, an oval). Next, ask your child to sort the containers by size. Help your child line up the containers in a row from smallest to largest. Enjoy even more sorting fun by stacking the containers! Ask your child to stack them all up with the larger containers on the bottom and smaller containers on top. Add more math to the activity by counting out loud with your child out loud as you stack.