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Literacy Pirates and Science Rockers: A Guide to Summer Learning Day Entertainment

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Amoeba People at PBS SoCal Summer Learning Day

What do gut-busting comedy pirates and a science rock band from the planet Crouton have in common? They’re both awesome entertainers that will be performing at PBS SoCal’s upcoming Summer Learning Day!

The Amoeba People are musical ambassadors from the Planet Crouton, here to learn about our world, to unravel the wonders of its natural history, to study the life which inhabits it and to parse the mysteries of the human species by learning its dance moves.

Check out some of their songs here—trust us when we say they’re out of this world.

Back on earth, the Story Pirates take stories written by kids and create musical comedy shows for the whole family! They bring warm hearts and big laughs to the stage, and find the comic treasures in every kid-created story. Each show is different, but scope this video for a sneak-peek of their hilarious style.

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