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At-Home Learning Tips

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Two women wearing masks sit inside a radio recording studio
Meet Claudia Haines, the children's librarian in Homer, Alaska, who came up with a creative way to bring story time to her community when the library closed because of COVID-19.
A woman reads with two little girls
Here are some ideas on how to continue learning about classic school subjects like science, math and history outside of school with fun activities.
Pavilion at ISTE 2017 Conference.
A collection of virtual events, social media communities and digital resources to help teachers continue learning and growing their distance learning skills in the summer.
Black Lives Matter demonstration in Century City. | Brett Morrison
The news you consume shapes how you see the world and the news these past few weeks has often been contradictory. We have gathered guidelines to help you process the news in a thoughtful and inclusive way.
Graphic of a white fist
As a white parent and educator, I can help dismantle systemic racism. As I continue my own journey of learning about, and committing to, anti-racist action, here’s what I believe we can do as educators to support meaningful change.
Dos niñas con los puños en alto dan su pésame en el memorial improvisado para George Floyd
Esta semana queremos compartir recursos que hablan de la diferencia y crean oportunidades para tener conversaciones positivas y momentos de aprendizaje sobre la identidad y la diversidad.
Two girls with fist raised pay their respects at the makeshift memorial for George Floyd
This week, we're sharing resources that touch on the idea of difference and to create opportunities to have positive conversations and moments of learning about your children’s identity and all the diverse identities that exist in our world.
Don't be afraid to talk to your children. This is the perfect time to talk about the beliefs you hold to be good and to encourage your children to be brave in the face of adversity.
A mother on her laptop sits on the couch with her daughter.
How can kids get educational benefits from screen time when parents aren’t watching at the same time as their kids?
Minecraft version of West Ranch High School
With the school year coming to an end, this is a perfect time to add game-based learning to your teaching environments to keep kids engaged in the home stretch.
Student Reporting Labs participant Kat G. | Still from her video in response to COVID-19
When schools across California transitioned to distance learning, Student Reporting Labs participants grabbed their phones to share their day-to-day experiences in this new normal.
"Raindrop" by Brittany Chen
Creative writing, much like reading, can provide students with a means of “escape.” To support parents and teachers in fostering creative writing skills, PBS SoCal is accepting submissions for original poems and stories from students in grades K-3.
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