A Place of Our Own

The full "A Place of Our Own" website is no longer available online, but you can find the most popular Topics and Activities to download below. También hay recursos similares en Español disponibles de Los Niños en Su Casa.
See more resources for Families.
Acting Out & Retelling Stories
Auditory Processing Disorder
Child of a Different Language
Cooking as a Learning Activity
Creating a Positive Environment
Dramatic Play & Imagination
Everyday Math
Family Differences
How Your Words Can Affect Your Children
Integrated Curriculum
Licensing vs. Accreditation (II)
Listening Skills
Most Common Special Needs
Old Wives' Tales Revealed & Week in Review
Print-Rich Environment (Part II)
Science in Your Home
Social Development
Teachable Moments
The Importance of Art
The Importance of Blocks
The Importance of Schedules and Routines
Writing Names
Activities That Encourage Patience
Ball Painting
Circle-Time Name Song
Doll Washing
Footprint Painting
Indoor Marching Game
Language Bingo
Making Sandwiches
Music with Recyclable Items
Mystery Box
Pretend Car Wash
Sensory Box
Stacking Cups
Storytelling with Simple Props
Take-Home Teddy Bear
Telephone Play
Volcano Experience