111 of Our Favorite Kids Books in 2022

Looking for your child's next favorite book? Below you will find titles for kids ages 0 to 14 on social justice heroes, adoption, different abilities, gender identity and expression, friendship, embracing our heritage, STEM, winter and the pandemic. Many books are bilingual or available separately in English and Spanish.
Social Justice Books
1. "Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez" / Cosechando esperanza: la historia de César Chávez (Ages 4-7)
Written by Kathleen Krull and illustrated by Yuyi Morales

With illustrations by Caldecott Medal honoree Yuyi Morales and text by renowned author Kathleen Krull, this book is a celebration of the Latinx civil rights leader.
2. "We March" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Shane W. Evans
The story of how on Aug. 28, 1963, more than 250,000 people gathered to participate in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
3. "A Picture Book of Cesar Chavez" (Ages 4-8)
Written by David A. Adler and Michael S. Adler; illustrated by Marie Olofsdotter
This picture book biography offers a portrait of César Chávez's life from the fields of California when he picked vegetables as a child to how he became an iconic activist.
4."Side by Side/Lado a Lado: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez/La Historia de Dolores Huerta Y César Chávez" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Monica Brown and illustrated by Joe Cepeda
Learn how César Chávez and Dolores Huerta's childhoods inspired them to fight for farm workers. After you read, try making a craft inspired by Chávez.
5. "Boycott Blues: How Rosa Parks Inspired a Nation" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Andrea Davis Pickney and illustrated by Brian Pinkney
Learn about Rosa Parks' role in the Birmingham bus boycott.
6. "Preaching to the Chickens: The Story of Young John Lewis" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Jabari Asim and illustrated by E.B. Lewis
The story of how Congressman John Lewis learned about peacemaking and speaking up for the vulnerable as he cared for his chickens.
7. "Opal Lee and What It Means to Be Free" (Ages 6-8)
Written by Alice Faye Duncan and illustrated by Keturah A. Bobo
Learn how Opal Lee campaigned to make Juneteenth a national holiday. Read more about the story behind the book.
8. "Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers" (Ages 6-9)
Written by Sarah Warren and illustrated by Robert Casilla
This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of how Dolores Huerta fought for migrant farmworkers. It also includes resources for educators.
9. "Let the Children March" (Ages 6-9)
Written by Monica Clark-Robinson and illustrated by Frank Morrison
The story of how in 1963, in Birmingham, Alabama, thousands of Black children marched to end segregation.
10. "Pies from Nowhere: How Georgia Gilmore Sustained the Montgomery Bus Boycott" (Ages 6-9)
Written by Dee Romito and illustrated by Laura Freeman
Meet Georgia Gilmore, the woman who organized a pie fundraiser to sustain the bus boycotts in Montgomery, Alabama after Rosa Parks was arrested for challenging segregation on a bus.
11. "Separate Is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family's Fight for Desegregation" / Separados no somos iguales: Sylvia Méndez y la lucha de su familia por la integración (Ages 6-10)
By Duncan Tonatiuh
Learn how Sylvia Mendez and her family fought to end segregation in California schools seven years before Brown v. Board of Education.
12. "A Place to Land: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Speech That Inspired a Nation" (Ages 7-10)
Written by Barry Wittenstein and illustrated by Jerry Pinkney
The story of how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the legendary speech he shared during the 1963 March on Washington.
13. "Memphis, Martin, and the Mountaintop: The Sanitation Strike of 1968" (Ages 7-10)
Written by Alice Faye Duncan and illustrated by R. Gregory Christie
See the Memphis sanitation strike of 1968 through the eyes of a 9-year-old girl as her father participates in the protest led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Adoption Books
14. "Just Like a Mama" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Alice Faye Duncan and illustrated by Charnelle Pinkney Barlow

A heartwarming story about adoption and family.
15. "Over the Moon: An Adoption Tale" (Ages 4-8)
By Karen Katz
The story of how one family begins after an international adoption.
Special Needs
16. "My Brother Otto" (Ages 3-5)
Written by Meg Raby and illustrated by Elisa Pallmer

This is the story of two young crow siblings, Piper and Otto Crow, and their love for one another as they navigate daily life.
17. "This Beach Is Loud!" (Ages 3-7)
Written and illustrated by Samantha Cotterill
Another picture book in the Little Senses series, this book addresses sensory overload often found at beaches.
18. "Nope. Never. Not For Me!" (Ages 3-7)
Written and illustrated by Samantha Cotterill
As part of the Little Senses series, this book cleverly addresses the genuine anxiety about trying new foods for those with sensory processing issues and those who are autistic.
19. "Trampoline Boy" (Ages 3-7)
Written by Nan Forler and illustrated by Marion Arbona
The author shows the reader how to engage in an autistic peer's life by participating in their interests.
20. "Mama Zooms" (Ages 4-7)
By Jane Cowen-Fletcher
Zoom around with a young boy and his mother as she takes him cruising around in her wheelchair.
21. "Lulu Is a Rhinoceros" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Jason and Allison Flom; illustrated by Sophie Corrigan
Lulu may look like an English bulldog on the exterior, but she wholeheartedly believes she is a rhinoceros and decides to let everyone know.
22. "Too Sticky! Sensory Issues with Autism" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Jen Malia and illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff
This book is an excellent glimpse into autism and sensory processing disorders and highlights how we can be inclusive even while an autistic friend feels anxious.
23. "The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin" (Ages 4-9)
Written by Julia Finley Mosca and illustrated by Daniel Rieley
Based on the true story of Temple Grandin, this picture book introduces readers to the autistic mind and heart of one of the most well-known scientists of our time.
24. "A Friend for Henry" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Jenn Bailey and illustrated by Mika Song
Told with expressive images, this book helps readers learn about a boy on the autism spectrum and how each person processes the world differently.
25. "The Categorical Universe of Candice Phee" (Ages 10+ and best read with a parent or teacher)
By Barry Jonsberg
A book full of humor and vulnerability in which main character is autistic and shares her life story using the alphabet.
26. "The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism" (Ages 12+ and best read with a parent or teacher)
Written by Naoki Higashida and translated by Ka Yoshida and David Mitchell
To understand a perspective of what it is like to be an autistic 13-year-old boy, the author invites readers into his brain in this nonfiction book written in the form of questions and answers.
LGBTQ+ Expression and Identity Books
27. "Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story about Gender and Friendship" / Ahora me llamo Luisa (Ages 3-6)
Written by Jessica Walton and illustrated by Dougal MacPherson

This story supports children in understanding gender identity and illustrates what it looks like to disrupt stereotypes and assumptions based on gender roles.
28. "They, She, He Easy as ABC" (Ages 3-7)
By Maya Christina Gonzalez and Matthew SG
This playful book uses the alphabet and dance to teach kids about preferred pronouns.
29. "When Aidan Became a Brother" / Cómo Aidan llegó a ser un hermano (Ages 4-7)
Written by Kyle Lukoff and illustrated by Kaylani Juanita
The story explores a young child's transition from his assigned sex to finding himself as a trans boy, Aidan.
30. "I Am Jazz" / Soy Jazz (Ages 4-8)
Written by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings; illustrated by Shelagh McNicholas
Introduce your child to Jazz Jennings and explore her journey as a trans girl living her truth.
31. "Stella Brings the Family" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Miriam B. Schiffer and illustrated by Holly Clifton-Brown
Stella needs to bring a mommy to a Mother's Day celebration at school, but she has two daddies. What will she do?
32. "They She He Me: Free to Be!" (Ages 6-9)
By Maya Christina Gonzalez and Matthew SG
A kid-friendly introduction to gender fluidity using pronouns.
Friendship Books
33. "We Disagree" (Ages 0-8)
Written and illustrated by Bethanie Deeney Murguia

A wonderful way to introduce politics and civil disagreements to young children.
34. "Love You More than Anything" (Ages 3-5)
Written and illustrated by Doretta Groenendyk
This little-known book offers an inclusive look at all types of friendships.
35. "Bikes for Sale" (Ages 3-5)
Written by Carter Higgins and illustrated by Zachariah OHora
A two-wheeled tale that makes the reader feel right at home.
36. "All the Colors We Are/Todos Los Colores de Nuestra Piel: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color/La Historia de Por Qué Tenemos Diferentes Colores de Piel" (Ages 3-6)
By Katie Kissinger
This book helps children understand why we have many different skin tones and shades.
37. "The Lion and the Bird" / El león y el pájaro (Ages 3-6)
By Marianne Dubuc
Lone Lion takes comfort in the routines of his day: tending to his garden, drinking tea and enjoying quiet solitude. When an injured bird appears one day, everything changes.
38. "Be Kind" / Sé amable (Ages 3-6)
Written by Pat Zietlow Miller and illustrated by Jen Hill
Follow a precocious young girl as she ponders how she could have helped a friend and what exactly it means to be kind.
39. "The Girls" / Amigas (Ages 3-7)
Written by Lauren Ace and illustrated by Jenny Løvlie
A book that celebrates lasting female friendships through various seasons of life.
40. "Life Without Nico"/ La vida sin Santi (Ages 4-7)
Written by Andrea Maturana and illustrated by Francisco Javier Olea
When Nico, best friend to Maia, has to move because of his dad's studies, Maia feels a heaviness she simply can't shake.
41. "The More We Get Together" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Celeste Cortright and illustrated by Betania Zacarias; performed by Audra Mariel and Kena Anae
This rousing happy-making book is both a book and music about the ways we interact and associate with others. Includes audio and video.
42. "I Just Ate My Friend" (Ages 4-8)
Written and illustrated by Heidi McKinnon
A monster-like creature is on the hunt for a new friend. When he finds friendship, the twist ending sheds insight on the strange habits of this particular creature.
43. "Barefoot Books: Children of the World" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Tessa Strickland and Kate DePalma; illustrated by David Dean
This colorful book shows kids children from cultures and countries all over the world who have all sorts of abilities, colors and lifestyles.
44. "Hand-Me-Down Magic: Stoop Sale Treasure" (Ages 6-10)
Written by Corey Ann Haydu and illustrated by Luisa Uribe
Black and white images scattered throughout make this chapter book series perfect for emerging readers.
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Books
45. "Eyes that Kiss in the Corners" (Ages 2-7)
Written by Joanna Ho and illustrated by Dung Ho

In this moving book, a young Asian girl talks about what makes her eyes special and how they connect her to the other members of her family.
46. "Dear Juno" (Ages 3-7)
Written by Soyung Pak and illustrated by Susan Kathleen Hartung
Juno wants to write his grandmother a letter without his parents' help. Soon, they are regular pen pals, each writing in their own language.
47. "Drawn Together" (Ages 3-9)
Written by Minh Lȇ and illustrated by Dan Santat
When a young Vietnamese American boy arrives at his grandfather's house, the two struggle to make a connection. The boy doesn't speak Vietnamese, and his grandfather doesn't speak English, so how can they communicate?
48. "Ling and Ting: Not Exactly the Same!" (Ages 4-7)
By Grace Ling
This laugh-out-loud chapter book about a pair of twins is perfect for early readers. Everyone tells Ling and Ting that they're exactly the same, which just isn't true.
49. "Suki's Kimono" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Chieri Uegaki and illustrated by Stéphane Jorisch
It's the first day of school, and Suki wants to wear the kimono her grandmother gave her over the summer. Her older sisters warn her that people will laugh, but Suki doesn't care. Who will be right?
50. "The Fearless Flights of Hazel Ying Lee" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Julie Leung and illustrated by Julie Kwon
Meet pilot Hazel Ying Lee, a woman who refused to accept the barriers that others put up for her as a Chinese American living in the first half of the 20th century.
51. "Mama's Saris" (Ages 4-9)
Written by Pooja Makhijani and illustrated by Elena Gomez
This book is out of print. Check your local library for copies.
Like many children, the star of this book is frustrated when her mother tells her she's not old enough to do something.
52. "You Can Do It, Yasmin!" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Saadia Faruqi and illustrated by Hatem Aly
The Yasmin series is perfect for children who want to read chapter books but still prefer lots of illustrations and short chapters.
53. "The Most Beautiful Thing" / La cosa más bella (Ages 5-9)
Written by Kao Kalia Yang and illustrated by Khoa Le
Don't be surprised if you find yourself tearing up a bit while reading this lovely and true story about the author's childhood as a Hmong refugee.
54. "Chef Roy Choi and the Street Food Remix" / El chef Roy Choi y su remix de la comida callejera (Ages 5-12)
Written by Jacqueline Briggs Martin and June Jo Lee; illustrated by Man One
The story of L.A. chef Roy Choi, host of the TV series “Broken Bread,” from his childhood to his food trucks and advocacy.
55. "Fish for Jimmy: Inspired by One Family's Experience in a Japanese American Internment Camp" (Ages 6-10)
By Katie Yamasaki
This dramatic story is based on the author's family's real experiences of being imprisoned and interned during World War II because of racism against Japanese Americans.
56. "Asian-Americans Who Inspire Us" (Ages 6-10)
Written by Analiza Quiroz Wolf with Michael Franco; illustrated by Tuire Siiriainen
This illustrated guide profiles 15 Asian Americans from various fields who have made major contributions to U.S. history.
Latinx Heritage Books
57. "ABCs of El Salvador." (All ages)
By Maggie Carranza

This colorful board book offers a beautiful illustration for every letter of the alphabet and its related Salvadoran word. Read her story and what turned this graphic designer into a children’s book author.
58. "Mamá Goose: Bilingual Lullabies-Nanas" (Ages 0-2)
Written by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy; illustrated by Maribel Suárez
An English-Spanish introduction of Latinx lullabies for English speakers and nostalgic Spanish speakers alike.
59. "Be Bold! Be Brave! Chiquitos: 11 Latinas Who Made U.S. History" / ¡Sé audaz! ¡Sé valiente!: 11 latinas que hicieron historia en los Estados Unidos (Ages 0-3)
Written by Naibe Reynoso and illustrated by Jone Leal
An introduction for little ones to notable Latinas like Selena and Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
60. "Bravo!: Poems About Amazing Hispanics/Poemas Sobre Hispanos Extraordinarios" (Ages 0-3)
Written by Margarita Engle and illustrated by Rafael López.
A bilingual collection of poems in board book format celebrating Latinx people.
61. "For the Love of Plátanos" (Ages 0-6)
Written by Natalie Carey and illustrated by Bianca Guerrero
A rhyming ode to plantains, the banana cousin beloved all over the world.
62. "Green is a Chile Pepper: A Book of Colors" / El chile es verde (Ages 3-5)
Written by Roseanne Greenfield Thong and illustrated by John Parra
Discover Latinx culture through food in this colorful book.
63. "Tito Puente, Mambo King/Tito Puente, Rey del Mambo" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Monica Brown and illustrated by Rafael López
A playful kid-friendly bilingual biography of the mambo legend, Tito Puente.
64. "De Colores and Other Latin American Folksongs for Children" (Ages 4-8)
Written by José-Luis Orozco and illustrated by Elisa Kleven
A bilingual anthology of Latin-American songs that is sure to delight the whole family.
65. "Sembrando Historias: Pura Belpré bibliotecaria y narradora de cuentos/Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpré" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Anika Aldamuy Denise and illustrated by Paola Escobar
The story of the first Puerto Rican librarian in New York City named Pura Belpré, who championed bilingual books.
66. "I Love Saturdays y Domingos" / Me encantan los Saturdays y los domingos (Ages 5-8)
Written by Alma Flor Ada and illustrated by Elivia Savadier
A small girl visits her grandparents on one day and her abuelitos on another, teaching us about how much we have in common.
67. "Islandborn"/"Lola" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Junot Díaz and illustrated by Leo Espinoza
In the story, Lola, a girl from an island in the Caribbean, is tasked with drawing the place where she comes from, but she can't remember where that is. So, she turns to the memories of her relatives to reconstruct the place where she comes from.
68. "Waiting for the Biblioburro/Esperando el Bibilioburro" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Monica Brown and illustrated by John Parra
This delightful bilingual story takes readers all the way to Colombia as they follow the footsteps of one man and his donkey libraries.
69. "Freedom Soup" (Ages 5-9)
Written by Tami Charles and illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara.
Learn about Haitian traditions that involve soup, a celebration and a revolution.
70. "¡Todos a Celebrar! A Hispanic Customs & Traditions Alphabet Book" (Ages 5-9)
Written by Dr. Ma. Alma González Pérez
This book uses the alphabet to teach readers about Latinx culture in the U.S. and abroad.
71. "A Kid's Guide to Latino History: More than 50 Activities" (Ages 7-9)
By Valerie Petrillo
This book features activities, games and crafts to teach kids about Latinx history.
72. "Nuestra América: 30 Inspiring Latinas/Latinos Who Have Shaped the United States" / Nuestra América: 30 latinas/latinos inspiradores que han forjado la historia de los Estados Unidos (Ages 8-12)
Written by Sabrina Vourvoulias and illustrated by Gloria Félix
An excellent resource for both kids and teachers, this book includes a glossary, a reading guide created by the Smithsonian Latino Center, discussion questions and more.
73. "Portraits of Hispanic American Heroes" (Ages 8-12)
Written by Juan Felipe Herrera and illustrated by Raúl Colón.
A visual showcase of 20 Latinx people who have made history.
74. "The House on Mango Street" / La Casa en Mango Street (Ages 14+)
Written by Sandra Cisneros, translated by Elena Poniatowska
Available in two languages, this iconic novel follows a young Latinx girl as she grows up in Chicago.
Honoring Indigenous Peoples Books
75. "Colors of Guatemala" (All ages)
Written by the collective La Comunidad Ixim

This beautiful collective art piece tells the story of Guatemala's Mayan community through Gaby, a non-binary child, in Los Angeles' Macarthur Park, in California. Available at Libros Schmibros in Los Angeles and via message to La Comunidad Ixim.
76. "(Ba' du' qui ñapa luuna') El niño que no tuvo cama" (All ages)
Written by Natalia Toledo and illustrated by Francisco Toledo
In this family story about the life of the Zapotec people in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, Mexico, Natalia Toledo narrates a story in her native Zapotec language and Spanish. This book is available from some Mexican bookstores that ship internationally.
77. "We Are Water Protectors"/ Somos guardianes del agua (Ages 3-6)
Written by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade
This story (available in English and Spanish) invites us to connect with the Native American-led movement to fight for water rights and to care for water because water is sacred to their communities.
78. "Jingle Dancer" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Cynthia Leitich Smith and illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu
A vivid portrait of a Native American girl's life and community.
79. "Ohana Means Family" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Ilima Loomis and illustrated by Kenard Pak.
This book teaches kids about Native Hawaiian traditions in this poetic book.
80. "Undocumented: A Worker's Fight" (Ages 5-7)
Written and illustrated by Duncan Tonatiuh
Author Duncan Tonatiuh uses the Mixtec Codices to talk about the barriers undocumented people face through Juan, a young man of Mixtec origin who decides to emigrate to the United States.
81. "Rainbow Weaver/Tejedora del Arcoíris" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Linda Elovitz Marshall and illustrated by Elisa Chavarri
The bilingual book invites us to think about Indigenous communities in two languages. It also helps us reflect on the socioeconomic situation that the Mayan communities of Guatemala face and how we treat Indigenous peoples.
82. "Tallchief: America's Prima Ballerina" (Ages 5-8)
Written by Maria Tallchief and Rosemary Wells
Teach children the fascinating story of Maria Tallchief about how she became a prima ballerina.
83. "Go Show the World: A Celebration of Indigenous Heroes" (Ages 5-9)
Written by Wab Kinew and illustrated by Joe Morse
Children of all ages love this book, in which the text transforms into a lyrical rap that introduces children to historic and modern-day Indigenous heroes. Kinew, the author, is a member of the Midewin."
84. "Classified: The Secret Career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee Aerospace Engineer" (Ages 7-11)
Written by Traci Sorell and illustrated by Natasha Donovan
Read about Ross' journey from being the only girl in a high school math class to becoming a mentor for Native Americans and young women pursuing engineering.
85. "Tâpwê and the Magic Hat" (Ages 6-9)
Written by Buffy Sainte-Marie
"Tâpwê and the Magic Hat" draws on a rich Indigenous storytelling tradition. After receiving a mysterious gift from Kokhom (grandma), Tâpwê finds himself on an unforgettable adventure.
STEM Books (Science Technology, Engineering and Math)
86. "Planting a Rainbow" / "Cómo plantar un arcoíris" (Ages 0-3)
Written by Lois Ehlert
This book explains how plants, especially flowers, grow while teaching kids about colors.
87. "Ten Tiny Toes" / Diez deditos (Ages 0-3)
By Caroline Jayne Church

Head, shoulders and 10 tiny toes. As you read, count the number of toes on the baby's feet together.
88. "Ten Little Ladybugs" / Diez pequeñas mariquitas (Ages 1-2)
Written by Melanie Gerth and illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith
You can easily turn this counting book into a song. The repetition of the storyline will have your kids singing along as you count down from 10 to one.
89. "Count on Clifford" / Cuenta con Clifford (Ages 2+)
By Norman Bridwell
With big large numbers on the pages, children can count from one to 10 with their favorite big red dog, Clifford, as he celebrates a birthday party.
90. "Count Me In: A Parade of Mexican Folk Art Numbers in English and Spanish" (Ages 2-6)
Written by Cynthia Weill and illustrated with ceramics by the Aguilar Sisters: Guillermina, Josefina, Irene and Concepción
Join a Oaxacan parade to practice counting in English and Spanish from one to 10.
91. "Opuestos: Mexican Folk Art Opposites in English and Spanish" (Ages 2-6)
Written by Cynthia Weill, featuring wood sculptures from Oaxaca by Quirino and Martín Santiago
Learn the English and Spanish words for common opposites (like arriba y abajo for up and down) with the help of some intricately carved and painted wooden animal sculptures made by talented Oaxacan artisans.
92. "Round Is a Tortilla: A Book of Shapes" / Las tortillas son redondas (Ages 3-5)
Written by Roseanne Greenfield Thong and illustrated by John Parra
Discover the shapes and Spanish names for all kinds of items.
93. "Lia & Luís: Who Has More?" / Lia y Luís: ¿Quién tiene más? (Ages 3-6)
Written by Ana Crespo and illustrated by Giovana Medeiros
Learn how a little girl named Lia uses some clever math tools to show her brother how much they both really have using measurement and comparison. Read about the author's inspiration for the book.
94. "Not a Bean" (Ages 3-7)
Written by Claudia Guadalupe Martínez and illustrated by Laura González
Take a trip to the desert to see how a Mexican jumping bean travels throughout the day and helps kids review counting one through 10.
95. "Nothing Stopped Sophie: The Story of Unshakable Mathematician Sophie Germain" (Ages 4-7)
Written by Cheryl Bardoe and illustrated by Barbara McClintock
This book tells the story of a woman who solved math problems that were thought unsolvable and laid the groundwork for modern architecture.
96. "Too Many Tamales"/ ¡Qué montón de tamales! (Ages 4-8)
Written by Gary Soto and illustrated by Ed Martinez. Translated by F. Isabel Campoy and Alma Flor Ada
After a tamal-making session with her mother goes horribly wrong, María tries to solve a mystery wrapped in masa. This book is available in English and Spanish.
97. "How Big is a Million?" / ¿Cuánto es un millón? (Ages 5-6)
Written by Anna Milbourne and illustrated by Serena Riglietti
Pipkin sets off to find out how big a million is. On his journey, he meets a new friend and counts to bigger and bigger numbers.
98. "The Girl with a Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague" (Ages 5-7)
Written by Julia Finley Mosca and illustrated by Daniel Rieley
The story of a gifted mathematician whose ideas changed how modern ships are designed.
99. "Swimming with Sharks: The Daring Discoveries of Eugenie Clark" (Ages 5-9)
Written by Heather Lang and illustrated by Jordi Solano
This book is about a scientist nicknamed "The Shark Lady" who studied and trained sharks.
100. "Queen of Physics: How Wu Chien Shiung Helped Unlock the Secrets of the Atom" (Ages 5-9)
Written by Teresa Robeson and illustrated by Rebecca Huang
This book is about a famous physicist who overcame prejudice to achieve her dreams.
101. "Mario and the Hole in the Sky: How a Chemist Saved Our Planet" / Mario y el agujero en el cielo: cómo un químico salvó nuestro planeta (Ages 6-9)
Written by Elizabeth Rusch and illustrated by Teresa Martínez
Meet Mexican American scientist Mario Molina, the man who discovered that CFCs were creating a hole in our ozone layer. Includes a timeline, additional reading and more.
Winter Books
102. "Snow" / Nieve (Ages 3-7)
Written and illustrated by Sam Usher

A little boy and his grandfather head off into a wintery landscape, arriving at the park for an adventure of gigantic proportions.
103. "The Storm Whale in Winter" / La ballena en invierno (Ages 2-6)
By Benji Davies
A heartwarming story about a small boy who wins an unexpected friend.
104. "First Snow" (Ages 3-5)
Written by Nancy Viau and illustrated by Talitha Shipman
With joyful rhyming text to match the colorful images, this is an ideal storytime book. It's worth noting that there is another book by the same title that we equally adore.
105. "If Winter Comes, Tell It I'm Not Here" / Si llega el invierno, decidle que no estoy aquí (Ages 3-7)
By Simona Ciraolo
This book shows that while winter isn't what one child imagined, it still has some worthwhile moments to savor.
106. "Into the Snow"(Ages 3-7)
Written by Yuki Kaneko and illustrated by Masamitsu Saito
This book's mixed-media illustrations radiate movement and light and are a great rendition of childhood enthusiasm, especially when it comes to a snow day.
107. "The Tea Party in the Woods" / La merienda en el bosque (Ages 3-7)
By Akiko Miyakoshi
This book's charcoal illustrations of a mysterious forest party make it a striking read.
108. "Chirri & Chirra, the Snowy Day" (Ages 3-8)
Written and illustrated by Kaya Doi and translated by Yuki Kaneko
Sisters Chirri and Chirra go to a winter wonderland. Soon, they discover a door made of ice and are welcomed by friendly animals who offer them an afternoon of gleeful games.
109. "My Winter City" (Ages 4-7)
Written by James Gladstone and illustrated by Gary Clement
A winter city holds stillness and quiet before the bustle of commuters. The scenes in this book will be familiar for anyone living in a large urban city.
110. "Sugar White Snow and Evergreens: A Winter Winderland of Color" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Felicia Sanzari Chernesky and illustrated by Susan Swan
As the woods glow with snow, join a family as they hunt for winter's gold (maple syrup) in the woods of their nearby home.
111. "When Winter Comes: Discovering Wildlife in Our Snowy Woods" (Ages 4-8)
Written by Aimée M. Bissonette and illustrated by Erin Hourigan
A family snowshoes into the winter woods that look empty, but hidden in empty logs and winding tunnels is an assortment of wildlife.