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Holly Willis

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Holly Willis is the editor of The New Ecology of Things, a collection of essays, words, images and fiction that grapples with the potential and design challenges of pervasive computing, and she is the author of New Digital Cinema: Reinventing the Moving Image, which chronicles the advent of digital filmmaking tools and their impact on contemporary media practices. The former editor of RES Magazine, Ms. Willis has written extensively on experimental media practices for many publications.

Willis is also a Research Assistant Professor in the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, as well as Director of Academic Programs at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy where she teaches, organizes workshops and oversees academic programs designed to introduce new media literacy skills across USC's campus and curriculum. Her current research centers on the intersection of media art, graphic design and rhetoric, and the ways ideas and formal strategies from each might inform contemporary scholarly practices. She oversees the IML's research in the educational uses of multiuser virtual environments such as Second Life, promotes the use of numerous online tools for writing and research, and writes about emerging learning models for a variety of publications. She is currently editing a collection of essays centered on multimedia scholarship.

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