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Story of China
"Why Can't Women Be Heroes Too?"
Michael Wood visits the monument to Qiu Jin in Shaoxing. This feminist poet and political activist founded a radical journal for women's voices and campaigned for the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty and the founding of a republic. She was executed in the middle of her home town. Local women in the street enthusiastically and movingly explain to Michael why she is still a hero today.
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The great Taiping Rebellion, the fall of the Empire and the rise of Mao.

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Michael Wood tells the dramatic tale of China's last empire, the Qing.

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The time of the Great Wall , the Forbidden City and treasure ships sent on ocean voyages.

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Michael Wood tells the tale of China's Renaissance.

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Michael Wood conjures up China's first great international age, the Tang Dynasty.

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Michael Wood returns to the beginnings of Chinese history to find clues to today's China.