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A Garden Grows In Watts
MudTown Farms opens after twelve years and the community comes out to celebrate.
Earth Month
Watts Pride
Four days to opening MudTown, the next generation of community leaders are introduced.
We Are Taught to Survive
A week from opening, the farm presses on in the face of challenges and deadlines.
Earth Month
Close up of a young child with a sunflower.
Ten days from MudTown Farms' opening in the Los Angeles community of Watts.
10 Days in Watts (Preview)
An urban garden is built by a community seeing beyond economic hardship for their future.
Overcoming Physical Disability with Basketball
Watts youth recounts overcoming the loss of his limbs to excel in school and athletics.
Providing Watts' Elders with Thousands of Meals
WLCAC's Nutriton Program Director describes how grateful he is to serve his community.
Imparting Self-Love and Land Stewardship
Watts leader Janine Watkins on the importance of self-love and being a steward of nature.
Untangling The Roots of Environmental Racism
In Watts, the roots of farming and environmental racism have been entangled since the 20s.
Cultivating What Matters
For community leader Janine Watkins, a garden represents the beauty of possibilities.
MudTown Farms is WLCAC's Legacy Manifest
Tim Watkins shares how MudTown Farms carries on his father’s WLCAC legacy.
How Watts' Crisis Intervention Specialist Changes Lives
A crisis intervention specialist emphasizes the necessity of listening to those he serves.
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